Human rights council 43rd regular session agenda item 2

Human rights council 43rd regular session agenda item 2


Madam President, 

         Nigeria aligns itself with the statement of the African Group. We thank the High Commissioner for the comprehensive update on the situation of human rights worldwide. We further commend the Office of the High Commissioner for the tireless efforts in ensuring respect for human rights in all parts of the world. Nigeria reiterates its continued support and cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner and other human rights mechanisms, as they strive to carry out their mandates.   

2.       As noted by the High Commissioner, Nigeria has indeed, been confronted by the menace of terrorism, local conflicts and other acts of criminalities in recent years. It is in an effort to bring an enduring end to these security challenges that the Nigerian government has continued to prosecute its fight against terrorism with more vigour, and has recorded tremendous successes. Other security challenges bedevilling our country, such as farmers/herders’ clashes, local conflicts and kidnapping for ransom, as well as gender-based violence, are also being addressed, with a view to ensuring an atmosphere of peace, where all human rights can be enjoyed by all citizens. In the various efforts aimed at addressing the myriad of security challenges facing the country, Nigeria has always, and will continue to emphasise the imperative of upholding human rights, by the security forces. Despite the successes being recorded in our efforts to address these security challenges, we acknowledge that more need to be done, and will continue to do our utmost best to bring an end to the scourge. 

3.       Furthermore, to ensure the highest level of professionalism, the Nigerian security forces are regularly trained on the basic principles of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and - Human Rights units are embedded in all military formations. This is done with a view to ensure compliance with the IHL, and ensuring the protection of all humanitarian actors, within the ambit of the rule of law. The Nigerian government is also tirelessly working to address the devastating effect of climate change, as it has continued to affect the livelihood of our people. To this end, we reiterate our call for continued international cooperation and support in this regard. 

4.       The Nigerian government is also making concerted efforts to engender democratic ideals, and ensure good governance, as well as respect for the rule of law. As a multi-religious and multi-ethnic society, we recognise and attached great importance to the need to ensure unity and non-polarisation, which are very key to our peaceful co-existence, and our quest for national development, as well as enhancing the socio-economic well-being of our people. Nigeria remains committed to engendering religious harmony among its people, in order to further ensure peace and prosperity.    

5.       Finally, Nigeria reaffirm its commitment to upholding human rights, and ensuring peaceful co-existence among its populace. This, we believe, is an important element in achieving the full enjoyment of human rights by all our citizens. 

I thank you.